
Friday, September 17, 2010

Class Project "One of a Kind"

Another card from one of this month's classes, this time using quite soft subtle colours and the lovely set "One of a Kind" which is sadly retiring.

I had a request to make an easel card and came up with this.  My colour combinbation is Perfect Plum, Pale Plum and Apricot Appeal teamed with Very Vanilla.  We used the co-ordinating punch "Boho Blossoms" which works with the "One of a Kind" punching out the trio of flowers with ease.
The greeting is also from "One of a Kind" which we punched out with the Oval Punch then layered with a Scallop Oval.  The border was created using the "Eyelet Border Punch" which I am sure everyone will agree with me when I say it is so pretty.  We used the stamp set "Simply Said" to create a Certainly Celery image behind the flowers (well we were supposed to use it except I forgot to take the stamp set with me so we had to compromise, thanks to Tess who dashed home living the nearest, to bring us something suitable as a background, thank you Tess!!)

1 comment:

  1. So you are human after all....makes me feel better as I tend to forget something each time I do a workshop. x
