
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Convention 2011

At Convention we have a formal Dinner and Awards evening to recognise those who have achieved throughout the year.  There were some beautiful frocks to be seen and some heels to die for!  I had planned on buying "sensible shoes" as I knew I was going to be walking the stage a few times but couldn't resist those patent Ted Baker skyscrapers and my roomies were sure that they were going to bag themselves a cheque from "Youv'e Been Framed", but fortunately for me they were unlucky this time!!!  I won some lovely gifts over the weekend for my achievements and also won the Prize Patrol too along with some sneak peak stamps that I can't share with you yet!

Here I am with the lovely Shannon West, she is such a beautiful person, so warm and natural and if you have met her I am sure you would agree.  She is wearing an apron she made with the new Timeless Portrait Fabric, we had a couple of Main Stage demonstrations from Shannon and she is a true inspiration. I am really keen to learn how to use that Sewing Machine that is sat in the corner of my Craft Room but will definitely need a bit of help to get me kick started!

There are large screens at either side of the stage so that we can see the Demonstrations in close detail, we had lots of wow's over the weekend and lots of inspiration too.  There are several large display boards full of samples and I took many many photographs to bring home with me.

Here I am with Caroline, we are sat in the Bar Area at our Hotel, looking like weve' had a couple of Martini's too many!!!

I can't wait for Convention 2012, Germany here we come!!

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