Sale-a-bration is just around the corner, the most amazing promotion Stampin' Up! has to offer, it's the best time of the year as you are able to earn yourself FREE exclusive products. If you host a party during the promotion you can earn extra goodies with your Hostess Credits.
Sale-a-bration begins on 28th January and runs right the way through to 31st March so you have plenty of opportunities of earning yourself lots of lovely FREE goodies that are being offered.
Now I can't share any actual products with you just yet as it's a secret, but I can show you some projects I have created!
So here's a gorgeous gift presented using one of the Sale-a-bration offerings this year. A lovely kit containing spotty cellophane gusseted bags, tags, ties and glimmery hearts that will be so useful for so many different occasions.
I love the twisty ties, they are double sided so that when you twist them like you do for sandwhich bags you can view both sides whereas here, I folded the edges around the top of my cello bag as I wasn't scrunching it up and the wire inside the tie held it nice and firmly shut.
I decorated the striped tag using flowers from the Boho Blossom punch.
Inside I decorated a glassine bag to contain the gift for Caroline, again more flowers from the Boho Blossom punch and some coordinating paper from the 12x12" Paper Stack. The large white hexagon with the Island Indigo border is also from the kit and I stamped a hexagon from the Six Sided Sampler stamp set to go with it, this is great as it has a matching punch.
The Crisp Cantaloupe thick twine is from another Sale-a-bration gift, can't wait to share that one with you.
I used Washi tape to cover a peg.
And the finished gift again, I loved it and I think Caroline did too!
I did love it. Thank you XXX